[referencer] ASCII text citation
Maksim Sipos
2009-10-28 01:13:55 UTC
Hello all,

I couldn't find this feature anywhere in Referencer:

Sometimes, I would like to cite a paper in email correspondence or in a
blog post. For that, it would be very handy to have referencer let me
copy a little piece of text into the clipboard of the form:

J Doe. Paper title goes here. Journal Vol N (2009).

The exact citation format doesn't really matter to me, as long as its
informative (i.e. has authors, title, journal and year). Even a simple
authors+title+DOI would work.

Am I missing something obvious, or does anyone know of a plugin that
adds this feature?

Thanks for working on Referencer.
All the best,
Aurélien Naldi
2009-10-28 07:18:12 UTC
Post by Maksim Sipos
Hello all,
Sometimes, I would like to cite a paper in email correspondence or in a
blog post. For that, it would be very handy to have referencer let me
J Doe. Paper title goes here. Journal Vol N (2009).
The exact citation format doesn't really matter to me, as long as its
informative (i.e. has authors, title, journal and year). Even a simple
authors+title+DOI would work.

indeed, this doesn't exist AFAIK and would be a nice addition. I guess
it would be pretty simple to do as plugin, except for the "copy to
clipboard" part which is probably simple but I don't know how to do

I don't have much time to code right now, but if no one else steps up,
please remind me I want this as well in the second half of november :)

Best regards.
Aur?lien Naldi
Joseph Roumier
2009-10-28 10:20:16 UTC

Isn't "Cite in OO" plugin what you want?

Post by Maksim Sipos
Hello all,
Sometimes, I would like to cite a paper in email correspondence or in a
blog post. For that, it would be very handy to have referencer let me
J Doe. Paper title goes here. Journal Vol N (2009).
The exact citation format doesn't really matter to me, as long as its
informative (i.e. has authors, title, journal and year). Even a simple
authors+title+DOI would work.
Am I missing something obvious, or does anyone know of a plugin that
adds this feature?
Thanks for working on Referencer.
All the best,
referencer mailing list
referencer at icculus.org
*Joseph Roumier*, Chercheur & D?veloppeur
Traitement S?mantique de l'information
T?l: +32 71 490 752

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Plus d'informations sur le site www.cetic.be <http://www.cetic.be>
Maksim Sipos
2009-10-28 12:42:33 UTC
Post by Joseph Roumier
Isn't "Cite in OO" plugin what you want?
Thank you, that's exactly what I wanted.


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