ISI-plugin V0.0.4
Yoav Avitzour
2008-09-06 21:12:29 UTC
Version 0.0.4:

- Added a cap for the maximum number of records retrieved from ISI in
case more than one record is found.

- Added a preferences window to control above cap. The default is set to

Mario - it didn't seem like you have any objection, but you didn't say
explicitly that you are willing to release the plugin with GPL. As soon
as you verify that this is ok with you I'll add it to the file.


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Mario Castro
2008-09-06 22:21:23 UTC
- Added a cap for the maximum number of records retrieved from ISI in case
more than one record is found.
- Added a preferences window to control above cap. The default is set to
Mario - it didn't seem like you have any objection, but you didn't say
explicitly that you are willing to release the plugin with GPL. As soon as
you verify that this is ok with you I'll add it to the file.
It still doesn't work. Maybe it has to do with my spanish locale
configuration. However, I'm ok with the GPL licence anyway. Please, add it
to the file whenever you want.

I'll try changing some configuration files and I'll tell if I manage to deal
with the bug.

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Michael Banck
2008-09-07 13:14:10 UTC
Post by Yoav Avitzour
- Added a cap for the maximum number of records retrieved from ISI in
case more than one record is found.
- Added a preferences window to control above cap. The default is set to
Is 10 no reasonable default? I don't think this warrants a preferences
window really, unless you have some other important options the users
might want to set.

Great to see that the license has been sorted out.

Mario Castro
2008-09-08 08:17:44 UTC
I can't get isi-plugin working. In the console, the following message

bool Transfer::waitForFlag(volatile bool&):
void Transfer::openCB(const Gnome::Vfs::Async::Handle&, Gnome::Vfs::Result):
openCB: result OK, opened
bool Transfer::waitForFlag(volatile bool&):
void Transfer::readCB(const Gnome::Vfs::Async::Handle&, Gnome::Vfs::Result,
void*, Gnome::Vfs::FileSize, Gnome::Vfs::FileSize):
Woo, read 146 bytes
readCB: result OK
Woo, read 0 bytes
readCB: EOF
bool Transfer::waitForFlag(volatile bool&):
void Transfer::closeCB(const Gnome::Vfs::Async::Handle&,
closeCB: result OK, closed
bool Transfer::waitForFlag(volatile bool&):
PyObject* referencer_download(PyObject*, PyObject*):
got 146 characters

virtual bool PythonPlugin::doAction(Glib::ustring, std::vector<Document*,
std::allocator<Document*> >):
PythonPlugin::doAction: NULL return value

Any idea?
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Yoav Avitzour
2008-09-08 14:35:51 UTC
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Mario Castro
2008-09-08 16:36:11 UTC
It fails with all the documents. For instance, here I attach you a .reflib
which is not working
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Yoav Avitzour
2008-09-08 17:16:27 UTC
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Yoav Avitzour
2008-09-08 17:22:55 UTC
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Mario Castro
2008-09-08 17:32:10 UTC
Now it gives me the following error (actually, referencer cannot load the
Excepci?n: <type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'>

Module: isi-plugin
Explanation: ('invalid syntax',
('/home/marioc/.referencer/plugins/isi-plugin.py', 339, 37, ' if
ord(s)>126 or ord(s) < 32\n'))
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Yoav Avitzour
2008-09-08 17:42:47 UTC
My fault. Sorry. Just add a colon at the end of line 432.
Post by Mario Castro
Now it gives me the following error (actually, referencer cannot load
the plugin)
Excepci?n: <type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'>
Module: isi-plugin
Explanation: ('invalid syntax',
('/home/marioc/.referencer/plugins/isi-plugin.py', 339, 37, '
if ord(s)>126 or ord(s) < 32\n'))
Yoav Avitzour
2008-09-08 18:07:39 UTC
Sorry again, Mario, I gave you a line number in a file that I already

Here's the corrected file.
Post by Mario Castro
Now it gives me the following error (actually, referencer cannot load
the plugin)
Excepci?n: <type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'>
Module: isi-plugin
Explanation: ('invalid syntax',
('/home/marioc/.referencer/plugins/isi-plugin.py', 339, 37, '
if ord(s)>126 or ord(s) < 32\n'))
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Yoav Avitzour
2008-09-08 14:43:16 UTC
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Mario Castro
2008-09-10 08:22:08 UTC
I think I've got it (sadly)

The spanish universities use (since august) a new authentication method
which is not based on ip anymore. Now I have to sign in through a proxy
which belongs to the spanish ministry of science and it redirects all the
queries to isi. I've been trying to sniff some (of my own) traffic to find
out what is happening but I still don't have an answer.

So, surely Yoav's version of plugin works nicely. Enjoy it :-(

If I find a solution for the spanish users I will post it to the list (maybe
chaging the url or other fields will eventually work, so one could think of
using a preferences file as suggested by Yoav, but let's see...)

Thanks anyway, Yoav, for your efforts.

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