Post by John SprayPost by Michael BanckWhy is the plugin not hooking into the "Get Metadata"
mechanism? On the
other hand, the plugin seems to require title, author and
year, so if all you have is a DOI, you'd need to hit Get
Metadata twice I guess, which is not very intuitive, either.
I agree with you but I'm new in referencer and in python. I don't know
how to do it. Maybe someone with more experience could tell us how.
The way the "Get metadata" stuff is structured is such that each plugin
publishes a list of ID formats that it understands (pubmed, doi, etc),
and when tyring to get the metadata for a paper referencer tries to
resolve an ID to the metadata.
What I don't understand about this web of science plugin is that it only
seems to do anything when you already have at least the author, title
and year: so what is web of science giving you in addition to that? In
any case, the get metadata structure is designed so that referencer can
call plugins automatically when adding documents, and clearly when some
metadata is already required this isn't the right time to invoke it.
The metadata feature only provides the first author, but not the whole list
of them. Moreover, the isiwos plugin provides abstract and keywords. This is
not relevant for citation purposes but it is very interesting if you try to
use referencer as a simple and fast article database with the PDF linked to
the reference (what makes referencer really useful)
Post by John SprayPerhaps you can describe the use-case/workflow in which the plugin would
be used; when should the plugin be invoked on behalf of the user?
The plugin should be used whenever you are interested in the whole list of
authors and if you want more information about the paper. Actually I was
thinking about exploiting some of the extra information provided by isi (for
instance the list of articles cited by this one).
Is suggest that the integration with referencer could be customized, maybe,
in the preferences menu, by clicking at a checkbox with a question like
"Would you like referencer to obtain data from isi-web of science?" and this
allowing to choose between crossref or isi-web
If you are interested in what isi provides here I attach you typical query.
You can see at the end of the xml file a list of citations (the numbers are
the codes of such articles). If you find more information useful I can
modify the plugin to accomodate it
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<sessionID>V2oNPIc3OaOcKc at BEe3</sessionID>
<REC inst_id="1" recid="157959855" hot="yes" sortkey="3101145488"
timescited="0" sharedrefs="0" inpi="false">
<item issue="157959718" recid="157959855" coverdate="200707"
sortkey="3101145488" refkey="1482335" dbyear="2007" dbweek="41">
<source_abbrev>EUR PHYS J-SPEC TOP</source_abbrev>
<item_title>Universal non-equilibrium phenomena at submicrometric surfaces
and interfaces</item_title>
<bib_id>146: 427-441 JUL 2007</bib_id>
<article_nos count="1">
<article_no>DOI 10.1140/epjst/e2007-00197-4</article_no>
<bib_pages begin="427" end="441" pages="15">427-441</bib_pages>
<bib_issue year="2007" vol="146"/>
<doctype code="@">Article</doctype>
<editions full="SCI"/>
<languages count="1">
<primarylang code="EN">English</primarylang>
<authors count="5">
<primaryauthor>Cuerno, R</primaryauthor>
<AuRole>Author, Reprint Author</AuRole>
<AuCollectiveName>Cuerno, R.</AuCollectiveName>
<author key="1116072">Castro, M</author>
<AuCollectiveName>Castro, M.</AuCollectiveName>
<author key="4940393">Munoz-Garcia, J</author>
<AuCollectiveName>Munoz-Garcia, J.</AuCollectiveName>
<author key="2325145">Gago, R</author>
<AuCollectiveName>Gago, R.</AuCollectiveName>
<author key="7231501">Vazquez, L</author>
<AuCollectiveName>Vazquez, L.</AuCollectiveName>
<keywords_plus count="10">
<keyword>THIN-FILM GROWTH</keyword>
<keyword>ION-SPUTTERED SURFACES</keyword>
<keyword>AEOLIAN SAND RIPPLES</keyword>
<keyword>VICINAL SURFACES</keyword>
<keyword>NONLINEAR EVOLUTION</keyword>
<rp_author>Cuerno, R</rp_author>
<rp_address>Univ Carlos III Madrid, Dept Matemat, Leganes 28911,
<rp_organization>Univ Carlos III Madrid</rp_organization>
<rp_suborganizations count="1">
<rp_suborganization>Dept Matemat</rp_suborganization>
<rp_zips count="1">
<rp_zip location="AC">28911</rp_zip>
<research_addrs count="6">
<rs_address>Univ Carlos III Madrid, Dept Matemat, Leganes 28911,
<rs_organization>Univ Carlos III Madrid</rs_organization>
<rs_suborganizations count="1">
<rs_suborganization>Dept Matemat</rs_suborganization>
<rs_zips count="1">
<rs_zip location="AC">28911</rs_zip>
<rs_address>Univ Carlos III Madrid, GISC, Leganes 28911, Spain</rs_address>
<rs_organization>Univ Carlos III Madrid</rs_organization>
<rs_suborganizations count="1">
<rs_zips count="1">
<rs_zip location="AC">28911</rs_zip>
<rs_address>Unvi Pontificia Comillas, Escuela Tecn Super Ingenieria, Madrid
28015, Spain</rs_address>
<rs_organization>Unvi Pontificia Comillas</rs_organization>
<rs_suborganizations count="1">
<rs_suborganization>Escuela Tecn Super Ingenieria</rs_suborganization>
<rs_zips count="1">
<rs_zip location="AC">28015</rs_zip>
<rs_address>Unvi Pontificia Comillas, GISC, Madrid 28015, Spain</rs_address>
<rs_organization>Unvi Pontificia Comillas</rs_organization>
<rs_suborganizations count="1">
<rs_zips count="1">
<rs_zip location="AC">28015</rs_zip>
<rs_address>Univ Autonoma Madrid, Ctr Micro Anal Mat, E-28049 Madrid,
<rs_organization>Univ Autonoma Madrid</rs_organization>
<rs_suborganizations count="1">
<rs_suborganization>Ctr Micro Anal Mat</rs_suborganization>
<rs_zips count="1">
<rs_zip location="BC">E-28049</rs_zip>
<rs_address>CSIC, Inst Ciencia Mat, E-28049 Madrid, Spain</rs_address>
<rs_suborganizations count="1">
<rs_suborganization>Inst Ciencia Mat</rs_suborganization>
<rs_zips count="1">
<rs_zip location="BC">E-28049</rs_zip>
<abstract avail="Y" count="1">
<p>The recent widespread interest in processes occurring at micro and
nanometric scales has increased the physical relevance of the surfaces and
interfaces constituting system boundaries, both at and far from equilibrium.
In the latter case, universal properties occur, such as scale invariance
(surface kinetic roughening), surface pattern formation or domain
coarsening. However, descriptions of these systems feature limited
predictive power when based merely on universality principles. We review
examples from Materials Science at nano and submicrometric scales, that
underlie the importance of describing growing surfaces by means of
(phenomenological) constitutive laws, in order to correctly describe the
rich behaviors experimentally found across many different systems.
Additionally, this approach provides new generic models that are also of
interest in the wider contexts of Pattern Formation and Non-Linear
<refs count="89">
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