Michael R. Head
2007-04-15 18:53:45 UTC
Hi, one more idea,
I'd like to integrate referencer into my latex build. Right now, I have
to remember to manually export to bibtex inside Referencer. What I'd
prefer is to have a commandline tool that I can add to my makefile so I
can do something like this:
%.bib: %.reflib
ref2bib --reflib=$< --bib=$@ --tag=paper
Or something along those lines. If I get a chance after all the paper
deadlines I'm facing this month, I might take a look at it, but I
figured I'd put the idea out there and see if there's any interest.
Michael R. Head <burner at suppressingfire.org>
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I'd like to integrate referencer into my latex build. Right now, I have
to remember to manually export to bibtex inside Referencer. What I'd
prefer is to have a commandline tool that I can add to my makefile so I
can do something like this:
%.bib: %.reflib
ref2bib --reflib=$< --bib=$@ --tag=paper
Or something along those lines. If I get a chance after all the paper
deadlines I'm facing this month, I might take a look at it, but I
figured I'd put the idea out there and see if there's any interest.
Michael R. Head <burner at suppressingfire.org>
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