[referencer] Linking cite key, author name, year and file name?
Matthias Brennwald
2010-09-29 08:00:22 UTC
Dear all

I am new to Referencer, so please be patient with me. I recently
switched from Mac OS X, where I used BibDesk for my references database.
Now, on Linux with Referencer I am trying to do things similarly as with
BibDesk. Right now, the most important things I'd like to do with
Referencer are:

1. Automatically generate cite keys from the name of the first author
and the publication year, e.g. Brennwald:2010. Or Brennwald:2010a and
Brennwald:2010b, etc.

2. I'd like to keep all my files all in one folder, and their file name
should correspond to the cite key. Do I have to do this manually, or can
Referencer do this for me?

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!

Mads Chr. Olesen
2010-09-29 08:17:08 UTC
Post by Matthias Brennwald
1. Automatically generate cite keys from the name of the first author
and the publication year, e.g. Brennwald:2010. Or Brennwald:2010a and
Brennwald:2010b, etc.
This can be done using the genkey.py plugin. Unfortunately, its not in a
released version of Referencer (yet).
... but if you download
http://hg.icculus.org/jcspray/referencer/raw-file/00162c5e9a5d/plugins/genkey.py and save it to ~/.referencer/plugins (the folder .referencer in your home directory is normally hidden), it may work.
Post by Matthias Brennwald
2. I'd like to keep all my files all in one folder, and their file name
should correspond to the cite key. Do I have to do this manually, or can
Referencer do this for me?
In the documents menu -> Rename file from key.
Mads Chr. Olesen <mads at mchro.dk>