PATCH: Mark library as dirty after Rename from Key
Jordy Potman
2007-04-03 22:13:27 UTC
Currently the TagWindow::onRenameDoc method that is called by the Rename
from Key menu item doesn't mark the library as dirty. This makes it
impossible to save the changed file names to the library. The attached
patch fixes this. It also changes the button text in the confirm dialog
from "Rename from Tag" to "Rename from Key".


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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: rename_from_key_doclistdirty.patch
Type: text/x-patch
Size: 831 bytes
Desc: not available
URL: <http://icculus.org/pipermail/referencer/attachments/20070404/45e26bd7/attachment.bin>
John Spray
2007-04-04 07:12:09 UTC
Post by Jordy Potman
Currently the TagWindow::onRenameDoc method that is called by the Rename
from Key menu item doesn't mark the library as dirty. This makes it
impossible to save the changed file names to the library. The attached
patch fixes this. It also changes the button text in the confirm dialog
from "Rename from Tag" to "Rename from Key".
Thanks, committed.

