Dominik Kriegner
2011-08-15 09:27:49 UTC
Hello all,
I tried to build the latest commit from launchpad in Ant?nio Lima's
development branch. However I have problems executing the resulting
referencer binary.
So what I did is
fetch the sources from launchpad
bzr branch lp:~referencer-devs/referencer/amrlima_gio_port
configure, build and install them
cd amrlima_gio_port/
make install
the build works fine. when I try to run referencer this only works when
in the working directory a folder "data" exists. Otherwise I get
$ bin/referencer
int main(int, char**):
setting pythonPath
to :/home/dominik/apps/lib/python:./plugins:/home/dominik/.referencer/plugins:/home/dominik/devel/referencer/amrlima_gio_port/dist/lib/referencer:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Gio::Error'
if I do
mkdir data
then referencer starts up fine and creates 4 empty files in the data
crossref.ui documentproperties.ui preferences.ui referencer.svg
A subsequent start of referencer fails because of those 4 emtpy files.
Did I do something wrong or should I file a bug report on launchpad?
kind regards,
I tried to build the latest commit from launchpad in Ant?nio Lima's
development branch. However I have problems executing the resulting
referencer binary.
So what I did is
fetch the sources from launchpad
bzr branch lp:~referencer-devs/referencer/amrlima_gio_port
configure, build and install them
cd amrlima_gio_port/
make install
the build works fine. when I try to run referencer this only works when
in the working directory a folder "data" exists. Otherwise I get
$ bin/referencer
int main(int, char**):
setting pythonPath
to :/home/dominik/apps/lib/python:./plugins:/home/dominik/.referencer/plugins:/home/dominik/devel/referencer/amrlima_gio_port/dist/lib/referencer:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Gio::Error'
if I do
mkdir data
then referencer starts up fine and creates 4 empty files in the data
crossref.ui documentproperties.ui preferences.ui referencer.svg
A subsequent start of referencer fails because of those 4 emtpy files.
Did I do something wrong or should I file a bug report on launchpad?
kind regards,