libboost configure patch
Aidan Delaney
2007-03-04 18:28:59 UTC
Hey all,
The configure/make process does not bum out if libboost is not
installed. Here's a patch.

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John Spray
2007-03-04 20:30:34 UTC
Post by Aidan Delaney
Hey all,
The configure/make process does not bum out if libboost is not
installed. Here's a patch.
Thanks. Any reason for failing on the absence of the library rather
than the header? I guess as-is this would not fail if the user had the
library but not the headers.

Aidan Delaney
2007-03-04 22:48:26 UTC
Post by John Spray
Thanks. Any reason for failing on the absence of the library rather
than the header?
Yes, I didn't have the library or header installed :) Given that the
library check is first I put in a fail condition for that. When I
figure out how to put in an error if the AC_CHECK_HEADERS fails I'll
submit that too. Just consider it the mailing list equivalent of
slashdot karma whoring :-P
Post by John Spray
I guess as-is this would not fail if the user had the
library but not the headers.
Correct. If the user had the library but not the headers the configure
step would not fail (AC_CHECK_HEADERS would output a "no" but would
still continue. A user would only /see/ a failure on making the

/me has had too many beers :)
