Announce: Referencer 1.1.0
John Spray
2008-02-09 10:22:38 UTC
Dear all,

I've (finally) released version 1.1.0 of referencer:

Full changelog follows.

Some translations got left behind in this release, but there will
probably be a bug-fix release quite soon, and I will sync up with
launchpad again then, so anything you work on in launchpad should be in
the wild before long.


- Update to bibutils 3.39
- Detailed report in add documents dialog
- Thumbnails generated asynchronously for more responsive loading
- Support document action plugins (AN + JCS)
- Lyx citation plugin (Aur?lien Naldi)
- Added documents are scrolled to
- DocumentProperties shows correct fields depending on document type
- Add google scholar web link
- Add PubMed web link
- Allow specific selection of different web links
- Add builtin generic document icon
- Paste BibTeX button in document properties
- Clear button in document properties
- Editable list view
- Fix crash in tagging
- Revised icon view
- Pick up when citebase gives us a doi: in the URL field
- Add preferences options for crossref username/password
- Remove preferences options for crossref path + dx.doi.org path
- Metadata plugins (C++ or python)
- DOI->Pubmed resolver (Simon Greenhill)
- Make multiple-tag filtering AND instead of OR
- Fix losing bibtex fields in import (Bug 158581)
- Fix missing some fields in getArxiv (Bug 158815)
- Use gtkmm 2.12 IconView tooltip support if available
- Add online/offline indicator in statusbar
- Change sizing options of icon view to work around Gnome 2.20
- Use filename as title when adding files without metadata
- Make the extras store case insensitive on the key: multiple
fields differing only in case are no longer allowed (Alexey Balmashnov)
- Use the 'url' extra field for web linking (Alexey Balmashnov)
- Handle multiple keyword fields in import (Alexey Balmashnov)
- Include doi field in bibtex export
- Fix generating thumbnails for non-pdf files
