Michele Mattioni
2008-05-14 09:41:47 UTC
Hello list,
I would like to throw on the table two possible improvements for referencer.
1. I think that it's possible to use all the metadata that are stored
around in a more proficient way.
Right now, If I search for the author name I can find the PDF, but
this is not happening if I search for journal or even title or
Because all this information are stored in the metadata, would be
really handy to expose them to the user, to have a better search.
The search box should give the possibility to search for author or
title directly (some way you can choose the search engine in firefox)
I would like to know what do you think about the user interface of papers[1]
2. Synchronize referencer with citeulike. It would be cool to have a
double way synchronization with citeulike:
(i) the papers
(ii) the tags
There is a java applet that is doing the first job [2] and the code
[3] is available under GPL.
So every time you update the tag in citeulike or referencer this will
be reflected also on the other part.
[1] http://mekentosj.com/papers/screenshot.html
[2] http://www.andrewberman.org/projects/sync/
[3] http://code.google.com/p/syncuthink/
I would like to throw on the table two possible improvements for referencer.
1. I think that it's possible to use all the metadata that are stored
around in a more proficient way.
Right now, If I search for the author name I can find the PDF, but
this is not happening if I search for journal or even title or
Because all this information are stored in the metadata, would be
really handy to expose them to the user, to have a better search.
The search box should give the possibility to search for author or
title directly (some way you can choose the search engine in firefox)
I would like to know what do you think about the user interface of papers[1]
2. Synchronize referencer with citeulike. It would be cool to have a
double way synchronization with citeulike:
(i) the papers
(ii) the tags
There is a java applet that is doing the first job [2] and the code
[3] is available under GPL.
So every time you update the tag in citeulike or referencer this will
be reflected also on the other part.
[1] http://mekentosj.com/papers/screenshot.html
[2] http://www.andrewberman.org/projects/sync/
[3] http://code.google.com/p/syncuthink/