[referencer] Anyone interested in maintaining referencer?
John Spray
2010-02-26 09:44:30 UTC
Dear all,

Lately I have not had time to deal with any issues around referencer. This
is unlikely to change in the near future, so if anyone is interested in
stepping in to maintain the software, please contact me.

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Andreas Dalsgaard
2010-06-02 09:00:32 UTC
Hi all,

In response to the inquiry for a maintainer to Referencer, a friend of
mine and I would like to volunteer for co-maintainership, or what
would fit best. We wrote a mail to John this Sunday but he seems to be
busy. Since we have become aware that at least one other person is
working on referencer* we have decided to send this mail to the list.

We both have a background in computer science and have used Referencer
extensively and expect to continue to use Referencer in our current
work in the Department of Computer Science at Aalborg

To familiarise ourself with the code we have have made a few patches:
* Fix some simple bugs ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/referencer/+bug/581811 )
* Scrolling to the current selection, when visibility changes.
* Moved author string to same line as year in icon-view
* Enhance the genkey plugin with title and first word of title
* Start port to GIO/Gvfs
* Do not store filename attribute to get clean diff's when storing
the referencer file in a repository.

If anyone is interested, you can checkout our hg branch (with most of
the patches) at http://diverse.smartere.dk:8000/

Our future plans is to add the following features:
* Better support for more reflibs, e.g. drag-and-drop between windows
* Better support for collaborating, e.g. fancy Telepathy collaboration
* Hierarchial tags

Depending upon what other peoples plans are we have talked about
moving the source repository to bzr in launchpad, as we are more
familiar with bzr than hg and bugs and translations are already there.
This would also allow us to easily create a PPA.

Best regards Mads Chr. Olesen and Andreas E. Dalsgaard

Post by John Spray
Dear all,
Lately I have not had time to deal with any issues around referencer.? This
is unlikely to change in the near future, so if anyone is interested in
stepping in to maintain the software, please contact me.
referencer mailing list
referencer at icculus.org
John Spray
2010-06-02 09:14:46 UTC
I support this in principle. I will be offline rest of week, will try to
catch up after that.


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Andreas Dalsgaard <
Post by Andreas Dalsgaard
Hi all,
In response to the inquiry for a maintainer to Referencer, a friend of
mine and I would like to volunteer for co-maintainership, or what
would fit best. We wrote a mail to John this Sunday but he seems to be
busy. Since we have become aware that at least one other person is
working on referencer* we have decided to send this mail to the list.
We both have a background in computer science and have used Referencer
extensively and expect to continue to use Referencer in our current
work in the Department of Computer Science at Aalborg
* Fix some simple bugs (
https://bugs.launchpad.net/referencer/+bug/581811 )
* Scrolling to the current selection, when visibility changes.
* Moved author string to same line as year in icon-view
* Enhance the genkey plugin with title and first word of title
* Start port to GIO/Gvfs
* Do not store filename attribute to get clean diff's when storing
the referencer file in a repository.
If anyone is interested, you can checkout our hg branch (with most of
the patches) at http://diverse.smartere.dk:8000/
* Better support for more reflibs, e.g. drag-and-drop between windows
* Better support for collaborating, e.g. fancy Telepathy collaboration
* Hierarchial tags
Depending upon what other peoples plans are we have talked about
moving the source repository to bzr in launchpad, as we are more
familiar with bzr than hg and bugs and translations are already there.
This would also allow us to easily create a PPA.
Best regards Mads Chr. Olesen and Andreas E. Dalsgaard
Post by John Spray
Dear all,
Lately I have not had time to deal with any issues around referencer.
Post by John Spray
is unlikely to change in the near future, so if anyone is interested in
stepping in to maintain the software, please contact me.
referencer mailing list
referencer at icculus.org
referencer mailing list
referencer at icculus.org
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Michele Mattioni
2010-06-05 10:38:57 UTC
Dear all,
I'm an happy and old user of Referencer.

I saw there is an interest to continue the development.

I would like to suggest two features that I'm missing from Referencer
to have the best program to manage papers.

1) Tags as gmail labels:

Gmail labels are great, because you can stack them together, each one
with its own background and color to make them quickly recognisable
and have a quick access to the paper you looking for
More over the possibility to add them with a simple drag and drop is
very friendly from user point of view.

I don't know what you intend with hierarchical tags. However, if it's
to treat tags as folders in a file system I think is not the most
useful approach giving the fact it can be tricky to develop a proper
hierarchy of the tags.

Consider this scenario:
tags: to_read, calcium_activation, reviews, morphology

It's clear that the to_read tag is a functional one and can be applied
to all the articles, while the other three are intrinsic attribute of
the article itself. More over there is not stop holder to have a
review which is about the morphology of the cell, so this two can go
together. So in this case, if we use the filesystem approach we need
to create the to_read parent and then the calcium_activation and
morphology as children and finally the review has a children of both
the calcium_activation and the morphology tag, ending up with two
review tags!

This is a lot overhead with only just 4 tags, which can lead to a
dramatic combinatorial increase of tags if we increase the number of
tags. The other, approach, having the tags as a list of attribute for
file will leave the possibility to use them in an easy way.

2) Improve the search ability:
Full text search, author search and journal search should be available.

This are my two cents and feature I would like to have in referencer.
Unfortunately C++ is not my cup of tea, co I can't really be useful in
developing, but I can be involved in beta testing from the bleeding

Thanks to have read so far, it was a long one!


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Andreas Dalsgaard
Post by Andreas Dalsgaard
Hi all,
In response to the inquiry for a maintainer to Referencer, a friend of
mine and I would like to volunteer for co-maintainership, or what
would fit best. We wrote a mail to John this Sunday but he seems to be
busy. Since we have become aware that at least one other person is
working on referencer* we have decided to send this mail to the list.
We both have a background in computer science and have used Referencer
extensively and expect to continue to use Referencer in our current
work in the Department of Computer Science at Aalborg
?* Fix some simple bugs ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/referencer/+bug/581811 )
?* Scrolling to the current selection, when visibility changes.
?* Moved author string to same line as year in icon-view
?* Enhance the genkey plugin with title and first word of title
?* Start port to GIO/Gvfs
?* Do not store filename attribute to get clean diff's when storing
the referencer file in a repository.
If anyone is interested, you can checkout our hg branch (with most of
the patches) at http://diverse.smartere.dk:8000/
?* Better support for more reflibs, e.g. drag-and-drop between windows
?* Better support for collaborating, e.g. fancy Telepathy collaboration
?* Hierarchial tags
Depending upon what other peoples plans are we have talked about
moving the source repository to bzr in launchpad, as we are more
familiar with bzr than hg and bugs and translations are already there.
This would also allow us to easily create a PPA.
Best regards Mads Chr. Olesen and Andreas E. Dalsgaard
Post by John Spray
Dear all,
Lately I have not had time to deal with any issues around referencer.? This
is unlikely to change in the near future, so if anyone is interested in
stepping in to maintain the software, please contact me.
referencer mailing list
referencer at icculus.org
referencer mailing list
referencer at icculus.org
Evgeny Kurbatov
2010-06-07 07:04:35 UTC
Hi, Michelle

I think that tree tags can be easily implemented adding to database a
two-column table containing "tag" v.s. "article key" pairs.

The more important feature needed for myself is notification on
occasional database file change then reread of it. When I use some
version control system or DropBox to sync database between office and
home, the referencer instance running on a target host can not
distinguish that the file was changed (as Emacs does) so it can
eliminate all the changes when save database.

The other request I did before is the possibility to switch off using of
variable height font in tags list. It is better to make it an option.

Another feature can be the possibility to copy the bibtex items of
selected articles to clipboard, not only to file.

Evgeny Kurbatov
2010-06-07 07:15:23 UTC
Post by Evgeny Kurbatov
Hi, Michelle
I think that tree tags can be easily implemented adding to database a
two-column table containing "tag" v.s. "article key" pairs.
Oh, shame on me! Of course, "something" v.s. "something", where
something can be an article key or a tag. XML allows mixing element
types so we can distinguish key and tag on application level.

Michele Mattioni
2010-06-07 08:42:00 UTC
Hi Evgeny,

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 8:04 AM, Evgeny Kurbatov
Post by Evgeny Kurbatov
Hi, Michelle
I think that tree tags can be easily implemented adding to database a
two-column table containing "tag" v.s. "article key" pairs.
I'm speaking more about the user Interface that the actual implementation.

Hierarchy on tags can easily achieved, from a user interface point of
view, selecting more than one tags.
With an And-Or logic it will be possible to show both the intersection
or the union of the two tags.
Tag1 And Tag2 --> Intersection between the two
Tag1 Or Tag2 --> Union between the two (possibly more papers.)

Post by Evgeny Kurbatov
The more important feature needed for myself is notification on
occasional database file change then reread of it. ?When I use some
version control system or DropBox to sync database between office and
home, the referencer instance running on a target host can not
distinguish that the file was changed (as Emacs does) so it can
eliminate all the changes when save database.
The other request I did before is the possibility to switch off using of
variable height font in tags list. ?It is better to make it an option.
Another feature can be the possibility to copy the bibtex items of
selected articles to clipboard, not only to file.
referencer mailing list
referencer at icculus.org
Andreas Dalsgaard
2010-06-24 12:08:34 UTC
Hi Evgeny,

sounds like cool and very useful features! Patches would be much
appreciated! Otherwise it will probably have to wait.

Best regards Andreas Dalsgaard
Post by Evgeny Kurbatov
Hi, Michelle
I think that tree tags can be easily implemented adding to database a
two-column table containing "tag" v.s. "article key" pairs.
The more important feature needed for myself is notification on
occasional database file change then reread of it. ?When I use some
version control system or DropBox to sync database between office and
home, the referencer instance running on a target host can not
distinguish that the file was changed (as Emacs does) so it can
eliminate all the changes when save database.
The other request I did before is the possibility to switch off using of
variable height font in tags list. ?It is better to make it an option.
Another feature can be the possibility to copy the bibtex items of
selected articles to clipboard, not only to file.
referencer mailing list
referencer at icculus.org
Andreas Dalsgaard
2010-06-24 11:54:42 UTC
Hi Michele,

regarding your feature requests we'll look into the improved search
ability. The feature request "tags as gmail labels" could be
interesting and we would surely be interested in patches!

Best regards Andreas Dalsgaard
Post by John Spray
Dear all,
I'm an happy and old user of Referencer.
I saw there is an interest to continue the development.
I would like to suggest two features that I'm missing from Referencer
to have the best program to manage papers.
Gmail labels are great, because you can stack them together, each one
with its own background and color to make them quickly recognisable
and have a quick access to the paper you looking for
More over the possibility to add them with a simple drag and drop is
very friendly from user point of view.
I don't know what you intend with hierarchical tags. However, if it's
to treat tags as folders in a file system I think is not the most
useful approach giving the fact it can be tricky to develop a proper
hierarchy of the tags.
tags: to_read, calcium_activation, reviews, morphology
It's clear that the to_read tag is a functional one and can be applied
to all the articles, while the other three are intrinsic attribute of
the article itself. More over there is not stop holder to have a
review which is about the morphology of the cell, so this two can go
together. So in this case, if we use the filesystem approach we need
to create the to_read parent and then the calcium_activation and
morphology as children and finally the review has a children of both
the calcium_activation and the morphology tag, ending up with two
review tags!
This is a lot overhead with only just 4 tags, which can lead to a
dramatic combinatorial increase of tags if we increase the number of
tags. The other, approach, having the tags as a list of attribute for
file will leave the possibility to use them in an easy way.
Full text search, author search and journal search should be available.
This are ?my two cents and feature I would like to have in referencer.
Unfortunately C++ is not my cup of tea, co I can't really be useful in
developing, but I can be involved in beta testing from the bleeding
Thanks to have read so far, it was a long one!
On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Andreas Dalsgaard
Post by Andreas Dalsgaard
Hi all,
In response to the inquiry for a maintainer to Referencer, a friend of
mine and I would like to volunteer for co-maintainership, or what
would fit best. We wrote a mail to John this Sunday but he seems to be
busy. Since we have become aware that at least one other person is
working on referencer* we have decided to send this mail to the list.
We both have a background in computer science and have used Referencer
extensively and expect to continue to use Referencer in our current
work in the Department of Computer Science at Aalborg
?* Fix some simple bugs ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/referencer/+bug/581811 )
?* Scrolling to the current selection, when visibility changes.
?* Moved author string to same line as year in icon-view
?* Enhance the genkey plugin with title and first word of title
?* Start port to GIO/Gvfs
?* Do not store filename attribute to get clean diff's when storing
the referencer file in a repository.
If anyone is interested, you can checkout our hg branch (with most of
the patches) at http://diverse.smartere.dk:8000/
?* Better support for more reflibs, e.g. drag-and-drop between windows
?* Better support for collaborating, e.g. fancy Telepathy collaboration
?* Hierarchial tags
Depending upon what other peoples plans are we have talked about
moving the source repository to bzr in launchpad, as we are more
familiar with bzr than hg and bugs and translations are already there.
This would also allow us to easily create a PPA.
Best regards Mads Chr. Olesen and Andreas E. Dalsgaard
Post by John Spray
Dear all,
Lately I have not had time to deal with any issues around referencer.? This
is unlikely to change in the near future, so if anyone is interested in
stepping in to maintain the software, please contact me.
referencer mailing list
referencer at icculus.org
referencer mailing list
referencer at icculus.org
referencer mailing list
referencer at icculus.org
Mads Chr. Olesen
2010-06-24 12:04:03 UTC
Post by Michele Mattioni
Gmail labels are great, because you can stack them together, each one
with its own background and color to make them quickly recognisable
and have a quick access to the paper you looking for
More over the possibility to add them with a simple drag and drop is
very friendly from user point of view.
I don't know what you intend with hierarchical tags. However, if it's
to treat tags as folders in a file system I think is not the most
useful approach giving the fact it can be tricky to develop a proper
hierarchy of the tags.
Our intention is to allow a hierarchy such as:
- B
- C
- E

implying that if an article is tagged with B it is implicitly tagged
with A. The hierarchy is of course shown in the user interface as such.
Mads Chr. Olesen <mads at mchro.dk>