Victor Laboreiro
2009-11-24 21:33:32 UTC
I'm doing some source code modifications related only to the way that
Referencer visually represents information. So far by now, I've done some
thumb enlarging, bolding document titles, removing document title lenght
cutting (now lines are being wrapped instead of getting "..." ) and double
cliking a PDF is now working on KDE4 (altought I did a bad trick - just run
a system() with desired PDF reader).
Yeah, I know that theses aren't good modifications to be merged to the
official distribution of Referencer, but I did that cause I really wanted it
to show this things at this way.
Anyway, I'm having a problem: since I have enlarged the thumbnail, I
couldn't find in the code where I shoud find the rectangle area that tells
gtk if the mouse cursor is on the thumbnail. By consequence, I only can get
half the thumbnail clickable because thats exactly the area that the old
thumbnail occupied.
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Referencer visually represents information. So far by now, I've done some
thumb enlarging, bolding document titles, removing document title lenght
cutting (now lines are being wrapped instead of getting "..." ) and double
cliking a PDF is now working on KDE4 (altought I did a bad trick - just run
a system() with desired PDF reader).
Yeah, I know that theses aren't good modifications to be merged to the
official distribution of Referencer, but I did that cause I really wanted it
to show this things at this way.
Anyway, I'm having a problem: since I have enlarged the thumbnail, I
couldn't find in the code where I shoud find the rectangle area that tells
gtk if the mouse cursor is on the thumbnail. By consequence, I only can get
half the thumbnail clickable because thats exactly the area that the old
thumbnail occupied.
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