Dominik Kriegner
2013-05-27 21:27:17 UTC
Hi all,
I have a question about the behavior of referencer. Today when testing
the new 1.2.1 release (thank for the new release and your continued
effort to work on referencer!) I found that referencer is using
acroread when I start it from the terminal.
When started from gnome applications or via alt+F2 it uses my default
pdf-viewer evince for viewing the documents linked to my library.
any idea why the behavior is different when started from gnome-terminal?
I have a question about the behavior of referencer. Today when testing
the new 1.2.1 release (thank for the new release and your continued
effort to work on referencer!) I found that referencer is using
acroread when I start it from the terminal.
When started from gnome applications or via alt+F2 it uses my default
pdf-viewer evince for viewing the documents linked to my library.
any idea why the behavior is different when started from gnome-terminal?