John Spray
2007-03-11 12:54:28 UTC
I forgot in my "Thank you"-mail that I'd be happy to translate
referencer into german.
I've browsed the svn repository but I am unsure how to start. Could you
eventually guide me to some documentation on how to start translating
this project?
Hi Bernhard,

(CCing this to the mailing list for the interest of other would-be

Referencer uses intltool for translation. For a general guide on this,
see [1], skip down to "Generating the pot file..." and replace CVS with

Currently, not every string that should be marked for translation is
correctly marked, but the main stuff is: the preferences and document
properties, and the main menus. I'm hopefully going to be getting a
patch soon from another interested developer to make more of the message
dialogs etc translatable.

So in a nutshell:
* Check out referencer from svn (or do a svn update if you've
already checked it out)
* Go to the po directory
* Do a "intltool-update --pot" (assuming you have intltool
* "cp referencer.pot de.po"
* Translate de.po, either using your favourite text editor or
something like gtranslator
* When you're done, send it back to the list and bask in the
glory :-)

Once everything's running smoothly I'll provide you with a subversion
account so that you can update the translation directly, if you want to
continue to translate new versions.

Good luck. This is the first time I've dealt with translation, so I
look forward to seeing how all this works! Please post problems to the


1. http://www.gnome.org/projects/rhythmbox/translation.html
