ANNOUNCE: Referencer 1.0.3
John Spray
2007-04-29 17:22:33 UTC

- Option to export unicode bibtex
- Implement "Manage BibTeX File"
- Support new arXiv id format
- Stop reading document if DOI/Arxiv is found on first page
- Fix setting dirtyness of library in "Rename from Key" (Jordy Potman)
- Reduce window clutter (Kai Willadsen)
- Italian translation (Michele Mattioni)
- Improve translatability of code (Kai Willadsen)
- Intltool fixes (Eric Lesh)
- Fix(?) taglist corruption bug
- Use poppler glib bindings (Kai Willadsen)
- Start using ucompose.hpp for string composition
- Compile against mt-only boost_regex (Damien Th?bault)
- Fix "All files" filter to be * instead of *.*
- Support InProceedings crossref records
- RPM spec file (Davyd Madeley)
- Add texttrademark unicode->latex
- Make configure fail properly when boost_regex is absent (Aiden Delaney)
- Fix handling of escape key in dialogs

Brice Goglin
2007-04-29 21:55:34 UTC
Post by John Spray
- Option to export unicode bibtex
- Implement "Manage BibTeX File"
- Support new arXiv id format
- Stop reading document if DOI/Arxiv is found on first page
- Fix setting dirtyness of library in "Rename from Key" (Jordy Potman)
- Reduce window clutter (Kai Willadsen)
- Italian translation (Michele Mattioni)
- Improve translatability of code (Kai Willadsen)
- Intltool fixes (Eric Lesh)
- Fix(?) taglist corruption bug
- Use poppler glib bindings (Kai Willadsen)
- Start using ucompose.hpp for string composition
- Compile against mt-only boost_regex (Damien Th?bault)
- Fix "All files" filter to be * instead of *.*
- Support InProceedings crossref records
- RPM spec file (Davyd Madeley)
- Add texttrademark unicode->latex
- Make configure fail properly when boost_regex is absent (Aiden Delaney)
- Fix handling of escape key in dialogs

I am still having problems importing an existing bibtex file when it
contains a double-dash or a quote as reported in [1]. Is there a good
chance this get fixed soon? I am disappointed of not being able to use
referencer for my work :(


John Spray
2007-04-30 13:45:50 UTC
Post by Brice Goglin
I am still having problems importing an existing bibtex file when it
contains a double-dash or a quote as reported in [1]. Is there a good
chance this get fixed soon? I am disappointed of not being able to use
referencer for my work :(
Hi Brice,

I'm sorry that the bibtex import didn't get the attention it needs yet.
I'll do my best to address it in the near future.

John Spray
2007-05-16 22:04:12 UTC
Post by Brice Goglin
I am still having problems importing an existing bibtex file when it
contains a double-dash or a quote as reported in [1]. Is there a good
chance this get fixed soon? I am disappointed of not being able to use
referencer for my work :(
I compiled the problems that you reported into the attached bibtex file
for testing. Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce the -- or '
problems. I believe the reason we're getting different results is the
difference in locale -- mine is using UTF-8 encoding systemwide, I
suspect yours is not. It's still a valid bug, I'm just not sure how to
reproduce it to fix it, since on my (ubuntu) system all the various
international locales seem to be in UTF-8 as well.

As a workaround, I would suggest trying the new "paste bibtex" feature
which will be in 1.0.4, and is already in subversion. This circumvents
a lot of character encoding uncertaining associated with reading from

To get more of a clue as to what's going wrong, I would appreciate if
you could obtain bibutils[1] version 3.31, try running the attached
bibtex files through bib2xml, and send the output back to the list.
brice.bib is in UTF-8, brice-latin1 is in iso-8859-1. Assuming your
mail client doesn't mangle them, the difference may be instructive.

I was able to reproduce the \null issue, this is a bug in bibutils which
I have forwarded upstream to the bibutils maintainer.

I hope we can make some progress with this soon.


1. http://www.scripps.edu/~cdputnam/software/bibutils/
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Brice Goglin
2007-05-19 16:27:27 UTC
Post by John Spray
I compiled the problems that you reported into the attached bibtex file
for testing. Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce the -- or '
problems. I believe the reason we're getting different results is the
difference in locale -- mine is using UTF-8 encoding systemwide, I
suspect yours is not. It's still a valid bug, I'm just not sure how to
reproduce it to fix it, since on my (ubuntu) system all the various
international locales seem to be in UTF-8 as well.
Yes, my locale settings are:
$ locale
LC_CTYPE=fr_FR at euro
LC_TIME=fr_FR at euro

$ locale -a

If I set LC_CTYPE to "en_US.utf8", import now works! If I change it to
LC_CTYPE=en_US, import does not work anymore.

Can you compile the en_US locale on your ubuntu (with dpkg-reconfigure
locales) and reproduce my problem by setting LC_CTYPE to en_US?
Post by John Spray
As a workaround, I would suggest trying the new "paste bibtex" feature
which will be in 1.0.4, and is already in subversion. This circumvents
a lot of character encoding uncertaining associated with reading from
I'll try compiling in the near future.
Post by John Spray
To get more of a clue as to what's going wrong, I would appreciate if
you could obtain bibutils[1] version 3.31, try running the attached
bibtex files through bib2xml, and send the output back to the list.
brice.bib is in UTF-8, brice-latin1 is in iso-8859-1. Assuming your
mail client doesn't mangle them, the difference may be instructive.
The outputs are attached.
Post by John Spray
I was able to reproduce the \null issue, this is a bug in bibutils which
I have forwarded upstream to the bibutils maintainer.

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John Spray
2007-05-29 22:54:02 UTC
Post by John Spray
I compiled the problems that you reported into the attached bibtex file
for testing. Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce the -- or '
problems. I believe the reason we're getting different results is the
difference in locale -- mine is using UTF-8 encoding systemwide, I
suspect yours is not. It's still a valid bug, I'm just not sure how to
reproduce it to fix it, since on my (ubuntu) system all the various
international locales seem to be in UTF-8 as well.
Right, having finally found how how to put my machine in a non-UTF8
locale, I've reproduced and (I think) fixed this one. Fix is committed
to svn, and will be in the 1.0.4 release, which itself is still blocked
by one more internationalisation issue.


Michele Mattioni
2007-04-30 14:02:36 UTC
Post by John Spray

Good stuff!!

BTW: The link seems for the 1.0.2 instead of the 1.0.3

correct link should be: